Internet Existing UniFi Customers Will Be Able To Upgrade To 30Mbps Package Eventually by Chief Chapree April 22, 2015
Internet TM To Migrate Existing UniFi VIP 10 Customers To The Cheaper 10Mbps Package This July by Chief Chapree April 22, 2015
Internet TM’s New 1Mbps Streamyx Package Might Be Affordable But Unusable Once It Hits 1GB Cap by Chief Chapree April 21, 2015
Editorial #DendaJar: Telekom Malaysia – For Not Offering Seamless Upgrades To UniFi 30Mbps by Chief Chapree April 21, 2015
Internet TM Begins To Offer UniFi 30Mbps and 50Mbps To Residential Customers: Costs Less Than Existing 20Mbps [UPDATED] by Chief Chapree April 20, 2015
Internet TM To Introduce New UniFi 10Mbps Package This July With Monthly Fee of RM 179 by Chief Chapree April 16, 2015
Enterprise TM and NTPSB Signs Agreement To Develop Tech Park in Johor, Malaysia by Terry Bass March 30, 2015
Internet TM Signs MoU With Time dotCom To Deploy SKR1M Submarine Cable Network by Farhan March 4, 2015
ISP Telekom Malaysia Helps Floods Victims by Providing Free Equipment Replacement and Bill Rebate by Andrew Cheng January 15, 2015
Internet Sistem Kabel Rakyat 1Malaysia: Bridging West and East Malaysia for Better Internet Connectivity by Chief Chapree December 31, 2014