A live photo allegedly showcasing the upcoming Ultra variant of the Xiaomi 15 flagship smartphone series has surfaced online. Shared by X user That_Kartikey, the device appears to closely resemble its predecessor at first glance, but with some notable differences.
For one, the camera island is as large as the one on the Xiaomi 14 Ultra but features a new layout for the sensors, LED flash array, and Leica branding. Additionally, the frame design has been updated, no longer flowing into the rear panel as it did with the previous model. The camera island now features a red ring around it, and the phone’s case sports a textured black finish.
While it is unclear whether the device in the image is indeed the Xiaomi 15 Ultra, Chinese publication IThome reports that Xiaomi group partner and president Lu Weibing has confirmed that the high-end variant will be officially announced after Chinese New Year. Speculation also suggests a global launch for the device could potentially happen during this year’s Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona, scheduled for early March.
The Xiaomi 15 Ultra is rumoured to feature a 200 MP periscope telephoto camera, a 50 MP short-range telephoto camera, a 1-inch main sensor, and a 50MP ultrawide camera. It will reportedly be powered by the Snapdragon 8 Elite SoC, running Android 15 with Xiaomi’s HyperOS 2 platform. The device is also expected to include a 6,000 mAh battery with support for 90W wired and 50W wireless charging.
(Source: That_Kartikey, via GSMArena)
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