AMD officially announced its Radeon RX 9070 Series, among other products, during CES 2025, along with a Q1 2025 launch window. That’s still applicable but instead of launching it today, the red chipmaker has now seemingly pushed back that launch window by two months, into 23 March.
According to a product listing by the US outlet, B&H, both the Radeon RX 9070 and 9070 XT SKUs have had their availability dates updated to 23 March. Interestingly, this little detail comes after an ad on Reddit proclaiming that the card had already launched. For that matter, it showed the card in what was supposedly a reference shroud design, and AMD later confirmed that the said card would indeed be fitted with an RDNA4-capable GPU.
Getting back on topic, the new 23 March launch date may also just be a placeholder; 23 March falls on a Sunday and in our experience, AMD would rarely lift embargoes on said day of the week. Again, rare but it has happened.
At the time of writing, AMD hasn’t made any official comment about the alleged pushback.
(Source: B&H, Videocardz)
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