The government is prioritising the resolution of delays in the MyDigital ID programme and the rollout of the second 5G network, revealed digital minister Gobind Singh Deo. During a press conference held during the Jelajah Malaysia Digital @ Perak event yesterday, he said that solutions are expected to be tabled at the National Council of Digital Economy and the Fourth Industrial Revolution meeting scheduled for 12 February.
“We are working on it. It is something that we are focused on, and will do our utmost level best to solve it as soon as possible,” Gobind told reporters. He acknowledged the complexity of the issue, noting that it involves multiple ministries.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim had previously set a mid-December 2024 deadline for addressing the delays for the two key national digital initiatives. Concerns had been raised over the slow progress of the MyDigital ID programme, which had recorded approximately 1.3 million registrations by early December 2024.
Meanwhile, the delays in implementing the second 5G network have reportedly been linked to outstanding agreements between Digital Nasional Bhd (DNB) and telecommunications companies. Back in November last year, U Mobile was selected by the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) to rollout the network, but no exact date has been confirmed just yet.
(Source: The Star)
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