Messaging platform Telegram has a verification program for public figures and organisations, indicated by a blue check that you may have seen elsewhere on the internet. In what is announced as a move to help further prevent scams and reduce misinformation, the platform has announced verification from third-parties, with different indicators for accounts that got verified this way.
Unlike the blue tick, Telegram accounts that got verified by third parties get a very different indicator, which can vary quite wildly. Going to said profile and then hit the icon next to the profile name will show you which third-party conferred the verification, as well as potentially the reason the account deserved verification.
Granted, not every third party service out there has the authority to verify others this way. The company says that only services verified by Telegram itself can provide verification to others. And for this to happen, the company has a separate page with all the requirements to be met. Said page does say that you don’t get any additional privileges when verified by a third party, beyond being seen as a possible official source for info.
Other features announced as part of the first Telegram update in 2025 include message search filters, custom emoji in folder names, and the ability for the in-app camera to scan QR codes. There’s also the ability to add reactions to service messages, which are like notifications of missed calls or when someone new enters a group chat.
(Source: Telegram [1], [2])
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