It’s been awhile since Circle to Search was released to users outside out Google’s and Samsung’s devices. Over the weekend, The newer phones by Nothing got their turn, with the Nothing Phone (2), (2a) and (2a) Plus getting the feature. This is part of the brand’s rollout of the Nothing OS 3.0, which sees the aforementioned phones getting upgraded to Android 15.
The community post containing the announcement does mention that, for some reason, the software for the (2a) Plus model is still in beta. Either way, the update will see the base model Phone (2) running the build number Pong-V3.0-241207-0124. As for the (2a) and (2a) Plus, these are Pacman-V3.0-241210-2057 and PacmanPro-V3.0-241126-1448 (Beta build), respectively.
Another odd exception is specifically the Phone (2a) model sold in Japan, which will only begetting the update sometime “in the future”. This will likely be when the Phone (2a) Plus, older Phone (1), as well as the CMF Phone 1 get the update for themselves. At this rate, this will more likely be happening next year than this.
Other features being added as part of the Nothing OS 3.0 is the introduction on the brand’s own Gallery app. This features what is described as an advanced search function, as well as expanding editing tools.
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