Aside from the first look of The Witcher IV, among others, at the Game Awards 2024, Gearbox Software, the studio behind the critically acclaimed Borderlands franchise, also gave us the first full-fat, official trailer for its fourth instalment in the series, Borderlands 4. Well, something of a reveal trailer, at least.
The start of the trailer picks off where the original reveal trailer picks off, with the shot panning out and revealing what we assume to be the primary antagonists of the game: a bald-headed figure whose face is blinded out by the light, and what appears to be a mechanised female character that seems to be “mind-controlling” a swathe of Psychos via the iconic masks that they wear.
The trailer also shows what we’re assuming are the four playable characters in Borderlands 4, whose names are still unknown to us. It’s clear that one of them is a Siren but again, the function of the other three remain a mystery. From what we can gather, one of them is a melee-focused individual, another is a beefcake, and the one with the princess curls is…still a mystery.
In true Borderlands fashion, Borderlands 4 will obviously be filled with tons of loot and guns, and it’s a given that there will be returning characters, including the playable characters from the previous Borderlands titles. Case in point, a weathered Zane from Borderlands 3 can be seen in the trailer, along with his Digi-Clone and a Nordic haircut.
Borderlands 4 is slated to launch next year, although no specific date has been announced. Like most games, there is a possibility that it could be delayed but as always, fingers crossed.
(Source: Borderlands)
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