A new sharing feature for Channels may make its way to future versions of WhatsApp. According to WABetaInfo, the app’s latest beta update for Android has added this ability, allowing users to conveniently share their own channels or those that they follow with others via QR codes.
Users can access this feature by opening a channel and navigating to the top bar to find the sharing options. Here they can generate a QR code that links to it and then share the code with others. As you’d expect, scanning the code will redirect to the channel.
While users can already share their channels manually by sending traditional links, the addition of QR codes introduces a layer of convenience. The user only needs to show the code for others to scan using their devices. In face-to-face situations, this eliminates unnecessary steps like sending links through third-party apps.
Moreover, the inclusion of this feature also allows users to share their channels via both digital and physical means as the QR code can be saved and printed. For instance, users can include the QR code on materials such as business cards or posters.
As of right now, this feature is only accessible to some beta testers who have the latest updates of WhatsApp beta for Android. It is uncertain when the feature will be made available to the general public.
On a related note, be sure to follow our WhatsApp channel for the latest in tech and more.
(Source: WABetaInfo)
Nurul Kamil contributed to this article.
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