Pavel Durov, the Russian CEO and founder of the social messaging app, Telegram, has been arrest by French authorities. Durov was arrested at Bourget airport, outside the capital city of Paris.
French authorities say that its arrest of the Telegram CEO was because the billionaire was part of a preliminary investigation surrounding the lack of moderators on the messaging app. It says that the lack of safeguards had allowed criminal activity to flourish on the platform.
Telegram is arguably one of the most popular messaging apps in the world, after WhatsApp and TikTok, with close to one billion users. One of the main reasons for its popularity is because, compared to Meta’s own messaging platform, the app doesn’t restrict what sort of content can be discussed or shared between users.
While this kind of freedom is often welcome, it can also act as a double-edged sword; when Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine back in 2022, Telegram was pretty much the de facto source of unfiltered content, coming in from both sides. More often than not, much of the information that gets shared could be misleading and graphic.
Some naive persons still don’t understand that if they play more or less visible role in international information space it is not safe for them to visit countries which move towards much more totalitarian societies.
— Mikhail Ulyanov (@Amb_Ulyanov) August 24, 2024
Durov’s stance on his messaging app is that such platforms should remain neutral and not a “player in geopolitics”. It also shouldn’t come as a surprise that Durov’s arrest has drawn ire from multiple persons of power. In an ironic turn of events, Mikhail Ulyanov, the Russian representative to international organisations in Vienna, also criticised the French authorities for arresting the CEO of Telegam, indirectly accusing the European Union member of acting as a dictatorship.
(Source: Reuters, The Verge, Yahoo)
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