Telegram users will be seeing an entirely new version of the messaging app, as version 10.5.0 is rolling out globally. The new update features a new look, a new delete animation for Android users, and changes to the free bot platform.
However, the app did not only get a new makeover, but it also received a few security updates as well. From this version onwards and on all platforms, Telegram’s video and voice calls now have end-to-end encryption.
As mentioned earlier, this update redesigned the messaging app’s calls by adding new animations and backgrounds that change dynamically depending on the call’s status: ringing, active, ended, and more. In the same vein, this new interface requires fewer resources than before, making it easier on your device’s battery life and on older devices.
Telegram has also mentioned that it has fixed “hundreds of bugs and interface glitches and added some improvements to call quality.” The messaging app also mentioned that more improvements to connections and audio quality will come later this year.
The app has also added what is called the “vaporise animation” on iOS for auto-deleted messages. When the timer runs out, the messages will be, as mentioned earlier, vaporised. It is also known as the “Thanos Snap Effect,” and while it is a minor change, this “energy-efficient” animation is now available for Android and plays whenever you delete a message.
Lastly, there are changes to the free bot platform. Much like Discord’s bot and, to an extent, automod, Telegram’s free bot platform can be customised to better fit into any Telegram ecosystem. According to the messaging app, the bots will receive their largest update yet, allowing them to now react to messages, manage reactions, quotes, and links, send replies to other chats, and more.
The free bot feature will receive many more future updates, but more information about it will only come later this month.
(Sources: Telegram)
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