Black Shark has quietly stepped out of the mobile gaming market, with its last phones being the Black Shark 5 and 5 Pro launched last year. The brand does still make mobile gaming-adjacent accessories like TWS earbuds. But now, the company has announced products that don’t much has to do with mobile gaming, in the form of smartwatches. The lineup consists of the Black Shark S1, GT and GT Neo.
Despite being three different models, all three actually have a few things in common. Among them are built-in GPS, support for ENC tech for Bluetooth calls, as well as a range of health tracking features like heart rate monitoring, blood oxygen measurement, and sleep tracking. It also supports over 100 sports modes.
On to their model specific items on the spec sheet, the Black Shark S1, dubbed the flagship of the trio, has a 1.43-inch 466 x 466 AMOLED display and a 330mAh battery that gives it 10 days of use. Then there’s the GT, which has a larger 1.78-inch 368 x 448 AMOLED screen, and a 270mAh battery that gives it the same 10-day use window. Finally, the GT Neo comes with a 2.02-inch 240 x 296 TFT screen, as well as a familiar 270mAh battery, but it only provides seven days of use time.
All three smartwatch models are available for purchase from either the brand’s official store on Shopee, as well as these physical stores:
- Switch solution
- Watch Empire
- JT Mobile
- OGNI Gadgets Hypermart
- K Connection Technology
- Redclick
- Great Cellular Network
- V Max Cellular Sdn Bhd
- KTS Cellular Malaysia
- TradeShoppe
For their prices, the Black Shark S1 is priced at RM299, while the GT has an asking price of RM199. The GT Neo is normally priced at RM149, but if you get it on 17 or 18 August from the official store on Shopee, you can get it with a RM50 discount.
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