ASUS teased the launch of its next non-gaming flagship smartphone, the Zenfone 10, as being launched at the end of the month. At the time, the only bits of the device that we got to look at were the front screen, and a bit of the rear camera setup. Over the weekend though, a leak has basically cut the suspense short, revealing the phone almost in its entirety, as well as its generous range of colour options.
The leak comes from serial leakster Evan Blass, or @evleaks as we know him on Twitter. And from the shared images, we can see that the ASUS Zenfone 10 will come with a two-camera setup at the back with an LED flash at the back. On the right side are the volume rocker and the power button and finperprint sensor combo, as s well as the ZenTouch gesture controls flanking the latter. Not much can be seen of the left side, top or bottom, so it’s unclear whether the company will keep the 3.5mm audio jack, which is getting rarer by the day.
As mentioned, the leaks also show of the range of colours that the ASUS Zenfone 10 will be coming in, which are black, white, red, grey and green. For most of them, the sides will retain a gunmetal grey-like hue to them. The only exception here is the white option, which sees the sides adopt a more aluminium-like colourway.
For now, we know of some parts of the ASUS Zenfone 10 spec sheet, including the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chipset, as well as the 5.9-inch display. These were revealed as part of the initial teaser from earlier in the month. With the launch coming in next week, we’ll find out not only more about the phone, but also whether the company intends to bring it over to our shores.
(Source: @evleaks / Twitter)
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