PlayStation Stars Launches Today In Asia, Including Malaysia

You need the PS app to actually make use of it.

Back in July, Sony Interactive Entertainment announced a new loyalty program which it calls PlayStation Stars. The program is now live in Asia, including Malaysia, giving you reward points for doing things like monthly challenges.

As was previously explained, PlayStation Stars is free to join, so there’s really no reason to not do so. You’ll get bonus benefits by also being subscribed to PlayStation Plus, but it’s not a requirement. What is seemingly required though is the PlayStation mobile app, since most of the interactions involving this loyalty program is locked behind it.

From the app, you can see the monthly challenges, called campaigns, that you have access to. Completing them will either net you the points in question, or a form of digital collectable. The latter is largely irrelevant beyond bragging rights, because SIE says these are neither exclusive nor tradable. The former is where the real value of the PlayStation Stars loyalty program lies, as you can use points to get more collectibles, games, or even PSN wallet funds.

PlayStation Stars app screens

The campaigns themselves though can be as simple as playing the games listed, or even buying one of them. These will likely vary quite wildly depending on the variety SIE has prepared. But judging from the points that each of these campaigns award, it will take some time before you can accumulate enough to redeem anything meaningful. It’s also worth noting that points that you accumulate expire in 24 months, so you’ll also have to be mindful not to let them go to waste.

One of the benefits of being a PS Plus subscriber is that you may get PlayStation Stars points when making purchases from the PS Store. Though for now, it’s not clear what qualifies as an Eligible Purchase. But you can find out more by heading over the PlayStation Stars page and its terms of service page, linked below.

(Source: PlayStation [1], [2], [3])


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