Local prepaid market has recently witnessed an intense three-way battle between Maxis, Celcom, and U Mobile, thanks to the unlimited plan that they have launched for their prepaid customers. However, Digi is somehow missing from the party.
That being said, a screenshot of the telco’s MyDigi have recently appeared online which depicted two unlimited Internet and call passes under the telco’s Internet Cili Padi line-up. One of them being a monthly pass that cost RM 35 while another one is for weekly usage and costs RM 12.
Also shown on the screenshot that was posted by Gold_Moderator on Lowyat.NET Forums, is the 3Mbps speed cap on both passes. According to several members within the same Digi Fans Club thread, these passes appeared on MyDigi only for a short while this afternoon.
Hence, some of these members thought that these Internet Cili Padi unlimited passes were just targeted promotion for selected Digi Prepaid customers. When we reached out to Digi for official comments, this is the response that we have received from Digi’s spokesperson:
“There was a system glitch that caused the error to appear on MyDigi earlier today. We have since rectified it, with the MyDigi listing now accurately reflecting our currently available offers.”
We did ask further if these unlimited Internet passes will be launched as actual products anytime soon, the telco stated that it has no further comments for the time being.
With that, we do not think that this will be the end of the story since there must be a good reason why those passes are there within the backend system in the first place. We’ll keep you posted once we hear more from Digi.
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