This Slumberland Smart Bed Is Coming To Malaysia in June; With A Price Tag of RM 39,880

Smart devices come in many form and shapes although smart bed is quite rare in the market. Soon, one such product which is called MyZmartBed will be making its way into Malaysia.

Made by Slumberland, a renowned bed manufacturer that has been around for 100 years, the smart bed has a specialized layer that was crafted by another company called Responsive Surface Technology. It contains more than 2000 sensor points that cover legs, posterior, lumbar, shoulder, and head areas.

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Through these sensors, MyZmartBed is able to detect users position and determine whether they need additional support or comfort. The bed will then adjust itself according to the data provided by these sensors. Of course, users can choose to activate the manual mode and adjust the bed to their own likings.

Interestingly, both sides of MyZmsartBed can be also adjusted individually which means couples can implement their own preferences on their side of the bed, instead of being stuck with one universal setting. These adjustments can be done through the Wi-Fi based MyZmartBed app which also allows users to check their sleep patterns and real-time body pressure against the bed.

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Covered by a 10-year warranty, the smart bed can be obtained at a promotional price of RM 39,880 starting this June onwards through Slumberland Mattress Gallery in Bangsar and Viva Home. It will also be made available through selected outlets all over Malaysia.


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