PDRM Internet Monitoring Unit Now Has A Tool That Can Identify Porn Viewers

A report today has revealed that the Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) now has an Internet monitoring tool that is able to identify users that are surfing porn within the country. The tool is apparently under jurisdiction of Malaysia Internet Crime Against Children Investigation Unit (MICAC).

Launched back in February, one of the main objectives of MICAC is to fight against child sexual exploitation especially within the online space. Aside from using technology, the unit also relies on information exchange with related agencies locally as well their international counterparts.

icaccops 01
(Image: Supian Ahmad/New Straits Times)

The tool which is called Internet Crime Against Children – Child Online Protective Service (ICACCOPS) was developed in United States, according to the report. Among the data that tool is apparently able to collect include IP address, location, website details, and the amount of time that user spent at the website.

The report further stated that PDRM has build a database using the information provided by the tool. It will then be passed to the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) so that PDRM will be able to obtain the users’ detail before it proceeds for further action.

(Source: New Straits Times)

We break it down for you

Before everybody start screaming invasion of privacy, and violation of your rights, let us break down some of the technical details that the NST article has failed to mention.

Firstly, this technology is very probably only limited to detecting files shared on peer to peer (p2p) networks only. This piece of information was conveniently left out of the original article.

Even without this sophisticated monitoring system, it has always been possible to track and monitor files being shared on p2p networks, irrespective of their contents.

We also think its highly unlikely that the PDRM will be able to “locate and pinpoint in real time, 24/7, Internet users surfing these sites and build a “data library” of these individuals — what portals they frequent, how long they spend on the sites, and the files they upload and download ” using only this system.

While this is a move in the right direction of nailing down the despicable act of production and distribution of child pornography, this system is slightly out of date with the advancements of technology that is in use today. (vr/lyn)


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