Instagram Call Features Leaked

Instagram might possibly be adding calling features to the app. Leaks of the Instagram’s APKs hints that it might be adding voice and video call features.

TechCrunch reports that Instagram might be expanding its features by adding calling features to the app. A look at Instagram’s code reveals a couple of interesting things. Namely, icons that point to voice and video calling functions. The phone and video calling icons are already present in the app’s APKs which shows all of the code and contents inside the app. This means that the calling functions might be already present in the app but hasn’t been officially released yet.

It seems that Instagram is just adding as many features as it can. This completely overthrows the basic functions of Instagram as a platform for sharing pictures and videos. If this feature were to be official, Instagram will turn out to be another messaging app by Facebook. With Messenger, WhatsApp and now Instagram, Facebook looks to have three messaging application under its belt.

Instagram has yet to make any official statement regarding this feature.

(Source: TechCrunch via The Verge)


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