Telegram recently rolled out its Telegram 4.4 update, bringing Live Locations, a new media player, support for more languages, and more. With the update, you can easily plan your next party by sharing your location via Live Location, use the new redesigned in-app media player to share music files with friends and family, or use the app in a language you are most comfortable with.
First up, just like what Google did on Google Maps, and Facebook on Facebook Messenger, you can share your live location with your friends. You can use it to monitor your children or elderly on their journey to a friend’s or relative’s home, or to share your party location. Users can opt to share their Live Location for 15 minutes, 1 hour or 8 hours; just tap on Location from the attachment menu, and pick “Share my location for…”. You can share Live Location in groups or individual chats, and easily stop sharing whenever you choose to.
Telegram also revamped their in-app audio player to better support MP3s and other music files. Check out at the @cctracks channel for a demo; Telegram has uploaded some free music to show how the new media player works.
The company is also launching a new translation platform for Telegram apps. Starting today, Telegram now supports a total of 13 languages, including the new Malay, Indonesian, French, Russian, and Ukrainian. Telegram says that they will be adding more languages like Persian in the future. Of course, language is a complicating thing, and if you do not like how specific elements in Telegram’s interface translated in your language, you can use the localisation platform to suggest alternative words or phrases.
Finally, Telegram is also improving group chats with its Telegram 4.4 update. You will now be able to see when an admin post a message by the new ‘admin’ tag located next to their name. In addition to that, admins in supergroups can now control whether new members get to see earlier message history.
Check out Telegram’s blog for more information about Telegram 4.4.
(Source: Telegram)
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