It looks like Uber has finally introduced an in-app chat feature to its mobile app. This will make it much easier for drivers and riders to communicate with each other without giving away any phone numbers. Whether you wish to tell your driver your exact location, or provide information such as road closures, you can now do it without leaving the Uber app.
To chat with your driver, simply go to the Uber feed and tap on “contact”, then on “chat”. You will be brought to a chat interface whereby you can message your driver directly. As a safety precaution since the driver should be behind the wheels, the app will read the message aloud to the driver. Drivers can then respond to the message with a single tap to send a “thumbs up” to their rider. Both drivers and riders will be able to see if their chats are delivered and read.
This is definitely a much-needed feature for Uber. Before this, in order for drivers and riders to communicate with each other, a phone number would be required, which raises some privacy concerns – would you otherwise give a complete strange your personal phone number? Didn’t think so.
The new in-app chat feature for Uber is rolling out globally over the coming weeks.
(Source: Uber)
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