Good news for those of you who are on Telegram, the company has just announced that they are bringing in voice calls to the messaging app. Available in Western Europe starting today, Telegram promises that its voice calls are the best in terms of quality, speed, and security.
Voice Calls on Telegram is similar to voice calls on other messaging apps however, there is a slight twist. To ensure that the Voice Calls are 100% secure, Telegram will make users verify the call with a key exchange mechanism. Telegram will show four emojis to the caller and recipient over the phone, and if they are the same, then the call is 100% secure. These emojis are selected from a pool of 333 emojis that are different from one another and “can be easily described in simple words in any language”, making it easier for you to verify the call.
To make a voice call on Telegram, simply tap on the dedicated Calls tab on the main screen of the app for iOS, or in the call tab in the pull-out main menu on the left for Android devices. Calls will also be shown on every profile page to make it easier for you to call a person. Alternatively, you can also call someone by tapping on the top bar in a chat and choosing “Call” on iOS. On Android, the Call button is located in the “…” menu at the top.
Telegram also says that its voice calls are AI-powered. It can learn from you and your device’s feedback, and then optimise “dozens of parameters based on this input, improving the quality of future calls on the given device and network”. If you are not a fan of voice calls on the messaging app, you can switch it off altogether, or block specific people from calling you.
Finally, the update, v.3.18, also brings the ability to control the quality of the videos you share. When sending videos to your friends, you will now be able to select the degree of compression beforehand. This is perfect, especially when either of your data is limited.
The update is available right now, but Voice Call is still limited to Western Europe at the moment. Telegram says that they will roll out Voice Call worldwide “very soon”.
(Source: Telegram)
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