In the famed manga and anime Dragon Ball, a scouter is a monocle-like mini computer that can be used to gather information including power levels of an individual. As Lenovo has also adopted the monocle design for its New Glass C200 smart glass system, we can’t help but to be reminded of the well-known fictional computer.
Nevertheless, the capabilities of C200 is still interesting though. Designed to be used with smartphone, the smart glass system allows user to view augmented reality world together with the real world which sounds like something along the line of Microsoft Hololens. It can even support two-way communications with other users which could be useful in situations such as remote troubleshooting.
At the same time, Lenovo claims that the system is able to detect and gather information within user’s field of view. With the help of an artificial intelligence software called Lenovo NBD Martin, the C200 apparently able to recognize around 20 types of objects at the moment and then label them with bounding boxes as well as annotations.
The same software is also apparently able to monitor and analyses users’ habit in order to provide insight to their tasks. Not enough with that, the company has also come out with Lenovo NBD Titan platform that allows developers to craft and edit AR content without the need of coding.
Meanwhile, no release date or pricing for C200 has been provided by Lenovo. That being said, the company expects that the smart glass system will be on production starting from June 2017. We don’t expect it to be made available for normal consumers thought but you never know.
(Source: Lenovo)
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