Telegram has introduce a new platform for writing long form posts, complete with the option for embedding links, video, and images. Called Telegraph, the platform allows for completely anonymous posts to be made; which is a somewhat double edged sword.
Telegraph is about as simple and bare bones as it gets. The page is completely white, with barely any hint of text boxes. There isn’t even a discovery feature to look for new post. Instead, it would appear that Telegram expects people to share their posts in chat groups.
Interestingly, there is no way to go back and edit posts. Telegraph doesn’t require people to login to start writing, and seems to remember people through their cookies. Once the cookie expires the person will be prevented from messing around with the post; preserving it in whatever state it was before. In other words, people might want to think carefully before hitting that the publish button.
Anonymous posts come with some dangers, especially as Telegraph allows people to write whatever they want in the by line. It could potentially lead to misleading work being published under the names of public figures. On the other hand, it would allow political activists to publish articles without identifying themselves.
In one way, Telegraph is similar to Medium. Except that it doesn’t require users to create an account and log in to post anything. One other difference is that it is new enough that it isn’t blocked in Malaysia yet.
[Source: Telegram]
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