Samsung Galaxy J Series (2016) Launching in Malaysia on 15 June; Surprise from Yes 4G at Launch Event

Samsung’s latest affordable range of smartphones, the Galaxy J series (2016), is set to be launched in Malaysia next week on the 15th of June 2016. According to the invite, the Korean giant may have a surprise at the launch event, and it involves YTL Communications – more commonly known as Yes 4G.

The invite states that as many as three devices in the 2016 Galaxy J series will be launched in Malaysia: the J1, J5, and J7. As its name implies, the Galaxy J7 is the highest-end offering in the series, followed by the Galaxy J5 and J1. Unfortunately, it’s unclear just which variant of each device the Malaysian market will receive: the Galaxy J7 alone has two different variants. One is packed with a 5.5-inch 1080p Super AMOLED display and 2GB of RAM, while another has a sharper 1080p display with 3GB of RAM instead.

samsung-galaxy-j7-2016-1The Samsung Galaxy J7 (2016)

Regardless, the invite for the Galaxy J series (2016)’s local launch also states that “Samsung and Yes have a special surprise that you will not want to miss.” Even though the statement is a very vague one, it may very well be the launch of Yes 4G’s much overdue LTE network.

We will find out just what Samsung and Yes 4G have in store for us come 15 June next week. It will be exciting to find out if Yes 4G will indeed launch its LTE network on that day, along with details on the retail prices of the 2016 Galaxy J1 series in Malaysia.


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