Watch This: Fnatic Dota 2 Pre-TI5 Bootcamp Interview

With Fnatic’s Malaysian Dota 2 players playing their first main event match early tomorrow morning, what better way than to see what happened to the team in the past month?

Under Fnatic, the five players formerly of Team Malaysia went on a month-long bootcamp in Sweden, where they go through rigorous 12-hour training sessions every day. These sessions are made up of watching team replays, practice matches with other TI5 finalists, and viewing more replays.


Fnatic, of course, are a European-based team, which explains the location of the bootcamp. The distance also allows the players to focus fully on sharpening their game, enhance team roles and increase their communication skills, which is one of the team’s main weakness according to team captain, Mushi.

For diehard fans of the team, this video serves as a good warm up ahead of the flurry of action that starts at 1am later tonight. Make us proud!


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