You’ve seen how the sapphire display of the more expensive Apple Watches was able to withstand being repeatedly hit with a hammer and came out without a scratch after being drilled. However, it seems like the display of the cheaper model, the Apple Watch Sport, did not fare that well.
Youtuber Lewis Hilsenteger of Unbox Therapy (who was one of the first to demonstrate the iPhone 6 Plus’ #Bendgate) took the “Ion-X” glass display of the Apple Watch Sport to a scratch test. In the video, the display was scratched with a key, a knife, steel wool, and ultimately, sandpapers of different grit sizes.
While the Ion-X glass display held up pretty well against the first three objects, the sandpapers proved to be too much for the display. Understandably, no one in their right mind would take a sandpaper to test how scratch-resistant their US$349 (about RM1,265) Apple Watch Sport is, so it’s not necessarily a cause for concern.
What this does prove, however, is just how durable the sapphire display of the more expensive Apple Watches is, which held up well against sandpaper and a drill. In any case, it seems like the Ion-X glass display is durable enough to resist scratches from daily use.
(Source: Pocketnow)
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