Windows 10 Consumer Features To Be Unveiled In January 2015

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Microsoft is apparently planning to reveal the consumer features for Windows 10 in January 2015. However, it is not planning to do this at the Consumer Electronics Show held during the same month; instead, there will be separate event at the end of January. The release window for Windows 10 was originally stated to be in early 2015, and it looks like Microsoft is still on track.

Rumours of the event were first published on The Verge, where sources close to Microsoft indicated that details of what will be happening will be released before the current year ends. Microsoft is expected to provide more information about the features in Windows 10, although some have already been talked about during the original announcement back in September.

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The technical preview has also been running since the announcement, with Microsoft providing incremental updates to the preview since the beginning of the programme. That being said, many features are still being tested and have not yet made it to the current preview. It is expected that the January 2015 event will also announce the availability of the consumer preview, which usually pre-dates the launch of a new Microsoft operating system.

[Source: The Verge]


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