The Nokia 3310 has been the centre of an “indestructible” internet meme for quite some time. This was due to the nature of the 3310’s hihgly superior build quality, especially when compared to our current fragile smartphones. Of course, some of the references are pretty exaggerated, such as the one with a bullet-proof vest made up of Nokia 3310s.
Late last night, however, came the news that someone who was recording an incident on the Syrian civil war had his life saved when his Nokia X2 phone stopped a stray bullet that was heading to his path. Incredibly, the bullet did not pierce the phone, but instead stopped dead inside the phone. Also, the battery did not explode, even though the bullet bore a hole right through it!
Of course, other phones might be just as capable of stopping bullets, or this could all be an elaborate hoax. Either way, we’ll leave it to you to judge.
(Source: mynokiablog)
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